Saturday, November 24, 2012

D.I.Y. Bleached Denim Shirt (Gradient)

Got this Denim Shirt from HnM over the summer. Wore this like crazy over  bright colored shirts and sometimes printed ones as well with some simple shorts and loafers.

Well the blue all around tinge of it was getting kinda dull  for me so i decided to change it up a bit and i did that by bleaching it. So imma tell you guys how i did just that.

So first, i tied the sleeves up so it won't get in the way. You can leave the sleeves hanging so it will have the gradient effect too. It's all up to you.

Then, move to your bathroom or somewhere that you don't care janking up. I suggest somewhere well ventilated so the fumes of  the bleach stench won't get to you and a place where the floors won't be stained or such.

Well anyway, what i did with mine was dip the shirt up to that 3rd button from the bottom. The mixture is just 1 part of water to 3 parts of regular old bleach. I didn't go all out bleach cause i didn't want the entire thing to be white i just wanted it to change color.

I soaked the thing for 30 mins. Once you get your desired treatment or color, wash the whole thing in running water until the water comes out clear, no tinge of yellow whatsoever, and no bubbles appear. then throw it in the washer and dry it off. Be sure to wash it by itself, so you'll have zero chance of janking up your other clothes in case there's some bleach left in it but if you want to jank up your other clothes be my guest. LOL!

The effect will really much depend on the quality of the shirt and the type of denim. My denim shirt is the raw kind of denim (i think). so it didn't really change much it just turned gray, which was the look that i was going for. So WOOHOO!!

So there you go guys, well i treat this bleaching project as "Not Finished" cause i'm planning to bleach half of the bleached part again so it will have a 3 toned gradient effect as supposed to a 2 toned one. So yeah. I'll post some looks of this bleached shirt soon and some different ways to style and wear it. So hope you try this project too and tell me how it'll all go. Thanks guys!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Inevitable Introductory Post

Hey Dudes and Dudette's welcome to the DailyVagabond. LOL. Well anyway, this is like my first blog ever, well i actually had one before but it was more like a journal. Enough of the bush whacking, this blog will be more of a food, pets and fashion (or lack thereof) blog. So yeah... In case you are wondering that is me...  ->

The Food part would be mostly posts from my older brother who is a trained chef. He bakes killer cupcakes and cooks about anything that he can think of. So, watch out for that.

The Pets thing, well I'm a huge animal lover. I love reptiles especially turtles, tortoises and geckos but the love of my life at the moment is my very very very spoiled Sun Conure named Rex. I'm sure you'll see him on this blog in the future. Well the entire family loves animals, except my mom. So I'm pretty sure that there's gonna be lots of posts about pets and animals in general.

Fashion and styling is a major past time for me at the moment. I often drain off my allowance from buying clothes and accessories but nah, it's all good. I like 'em all. LOL. I have to say that i don't really know what my personal style and taste is, cause i pretty much wear anything depending on my mood and my main concern when styling myself, THE WEATHER. LOL. My little brother is a keen fashion-dude as well so you might just see him here. Probably the only thing i can share at the moment regarding my style are my fashion influences. Mostly I am influenced by the looks i see on LookBook ( ) and my other love KPOP. Yes "Korean Pop". Even though everyone hates it, except for me and my friends, I love KPOP. So yeah, ohhh wait! I have to say i have a special relationship with Plaid Flannel Shirts. LMAO!

So that's about right, i think. That pretty much covers what'll happen within this blog. Hope you'll enjoy it and i'll try my best to actively update this blog. PEACE!